Do you know why Mangoes are called “The king of fruits”, because it is loved by one and all. In the thousands of people I have met, haven’t seen a single person who doesn’t like to eat mango. In fact any dish you make out of mango gives supreme taste. In Karnataka specially, many variety of mango dishes are made such as Tokku, Gojju, Baratha, Chutney, Vaate huli, pickle, Gulamba(Jam) etc

When we were kids my mother used to prepare this Raw Mango Jam or Mango Gulamba in summer season and refrigerate it for at least half of the year. There were no ready made jams like we get in market now. We grew up in preservatives free era. Unfortunately present day kids love outside jam more than the homemade ones as they are brainwashed with fascinating TV ads. I remember my childhood days when we visited our native place located in South Canara; we used to eat lots of mangoes which were grown in my grandparent’s farm.

There my Aunt used to prepare Mango Juice from small mangoes by adding Jaggery to it. We never purchased Mangoes from the market. All the cousins used to fight for good ones and loved the vaate/seed part. We used to eat the fruit from the seed (Cheepuvudu in kannada) till the pulp is completely extracted. But now eating mangoes in such way is not good as sometimes we see insects in it. My daughter doesn’t know how to eat it. I give her the mangoes by cutting them into cubes. Currently farmers use many chemicals to ripen the mangoes artificially. So we peel the skin and discard the most fibrous part.

I learnt to make this Raw Mango Jam or Mango Gulamba from my mother. If you love more sweetness in the Jam add more sugar and vice versa. Recipe is simple, only thing is to cut the mangoes to small cubes. Just cook the Mangoes in water and add it to the sugar syrup. Adding food colour is optional. Finally add Cardamom powder to enhance the taste and for aroma. Cardamom is a good digesting agent and prevents worm formation in stomach. You can store this gulamba for more than 6 months in the refrigerator. Serve this Raw Mango Jam (Mango Gulamba) with Chapati, Dosa, Neer Dosa or with Bread.

Raw Mango Jam or Mango Gulamba Ingredients:
- Raw Totapuri Mangoes – 3
- Sugar – 1 Cup
- Water – 1 Cup for making Sugar Syrup
- Yellow Food Colour – Pinch (optional)
- Cardamom Powder – 1/4 tsp
Time to Prepare: 30 minutes

How to Make Raw Mango Jam or Mango Gulamba Ingredients:
1. Peel the outer covering of the Mangoes and chop them into small pieces as shown in the image.

2. Transfer the chopped Mangoes pieces to a bowl and add water till the Mangoes are completely covered. Do not add more water, as the Mangoes leave water from it while cooking. Keep it in oven for 10 minutes or till slight soft when you press it with your finger. You can cook on stove top too. The quantity and the time is same as for oven. If you need more softness, cook for 5 minutes extra.
3. In another vessel, put Sugar and water as mentioned above in the ingredients list. Boil them over stove for 10 minutes till you see the bubbles like in the image.

4. Then add the cooked Raw Mangoes to this vessel. Now add pinch of food colour at this stage. Cook for 10 more minutes and switch off the flame. Add Cardamom Powder and mix well. Cool down completely and store in a glass bottle.